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We welcome IT technician Fabio Gentile

Fabio Gentile has joined EMbeDS as IT technician, providing technical support to research on health care systems within the Institute of Management and the MeS laboratory.
Publication date: 08.04.2022
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Fabio Gentile has joined EMbeDS as IT technician WHEN? He provides technical support to research on health care systems within the  Institute of Management and the MeS laboratory.

Fabio is enthusiastic about technology and fascinated by the positive impact IT solutions can have on real-life issues. "Since I was a child, I studied to pursue this field, working in domains ranging from software and web programming to system management and computer networks", Fabio says.

Working at the Sant'Anna School, Fabio perfected several skills, including web administration and development, microservice and RESTful API architecture, NAS and Server administration. His main projects included 
the redesign of the web platform for the “PREMs observatory”, the development of an internal management system and, most recently, the development of the registration platform for the “GAP project”. 

Beyond building up his skills, the most important thing to Fabio is his exposure to research: "this opens my mind and forces me to keep learning and facing new challenges", Fabio says "I love my job and every day I put my passion into it, especially when I have a chance to work with others in a team.”